Is Vaping Safe?
The first, honest and perhaps only correct answer to the question posed here in 2013, has to be a straightforward “We don’t know for sure at this point”. The simple reason for this is that the long term data is simply unavailable. Vaping (using electronic cigarettes or vaporizers) has only been around for 10 years or so - perhaps five of those in the west, so there is no long term data from which to pull our evidence. You would like to think however, that with a bright and focussed light being shone onto the subject via lawmakers and medical professionals alike , alongside a growing global group of advocates and supporters, that some serious research findings and information will be emerging within the next few years - See more at:
Of course vaping is safe, its 95% more healthy then smoking tobacco, as recent studies have confirmed, you can even check it, by click here and since 2013, 900,000 people used e cigarettes to quit smoking, so yeah of course there safe.