Sunday, 31 March 2013

ECSK eGo CE4 Starter Kit Vs. Volcano ecig

ECSK eGo CE4 Starter Kit Vs. Volcano ecig

So looking at the specs we can see that they are pretty similar spec wise. However, the ECSK eGo CE4 Kit has markedly more power with both battery units weighing in at 1100mah (2200mah total) and the Volcano Inferno having 650 + 900 (1450mah total). They both approach the clearomizer unit a little differently with Volcano just giving the one yet providing 5 spare heating/vaping elements, and the ECSK eGo CE4 kit supplying 2 whole clearomizers which can be broken down and cleaned and spare parts ordered for them. Both kits come with a single USB charging unit and a mains converter.

How to take care of e cig starter kits

How to take care of e cig starter kits

Before you fill the clearomizer/s with e juice or e liquid, take five minutes to take one apart on a clean and well lit surface. You’ll see that it can be unscrewed into several pieces. This means that it’s easy to clean but also means you must pay careful attention to screwing up all elements properly (fingertight - DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN) to ensure it works correctly and has no leakage. The CE4 design is pretty fool proof once you get used to it so you shouldn’t have too many issues other than a few days getting to know how they work.

Why choose an ECSK e cig starter kit

Why choose an ECSK e cig starter kit

Secondly, look at the kits themselves. If you look closely you’ll notice that the spec of our vaporizers is as high as most of the more expensive brands yet more than 50% cheaper than most. There is a very simple reason for this, mark-up. Here at ECSK we literally charge you the price of a pint for getting you a vaporizer. Simple as that. We have very low overheads and aren’t greedy. So know that you’re getting a good deal and paying a fair price.

Can you trust smokeless cigarettes reviews

Can you trust smokeless cigarettes reviews

Now obviously you can trust any reviews we do here at ECSK, as our good mates from down the pub Dave, Mike and Terry can all verify that the information and awesome insights we provide are basted in the fountain of truth, simmered in the jus of righteousness and finally baked in the oven of having it large. If they lie they break their bail conditions and are condemned back to hard labor so you can be sure of their honesty.

King of the electronic cigarette starter kits

King of the electronic cigarette starter kits

Starting from £11.99 (That's about $16 for our American brothers and sisters), our e cig range will set you back less than a round of drinks for you and your best mate at a grey and decidedly mid ranged branch of some Disney themed pub. Bargains like this are to be had rarely, so don’t feel shy to buy sets for everyone you know. Maybe you could even convince some ex-smokers to start smoking again. Hell, see if you can get the 3 year old niece vaping up a storm!

What is a smoke free electronic cigarette?

What is a smoke free electronic cigarette?

How it works is two-fold. Firstly you have the unit itself (vaporizer) and secondly you have the “fuel” for it, which is what you will hear called e juice or e liquid. Most of the e liquid you can buy is generally made from vegetable glycerin (made from animal fat and used amongst other things for asthma inhalers, as a food additive and rated as non-toxic for humans) and/or propylene glycol which is a synthetic alternative with a less viscous room temperature state, also classed as harmless to humans.

The easiest and best way to stop smoking

The easiest and best way to stop smoking

If anybody doesn’t understand what I’m going on about here then that would make sense so I’ll try to get to the essential essence of what I’m cooking up here. Vaping, vaporizing or va-shnoodling (for the mob from Greenland), does for smoking what the wheel did for vehicles. It is the Haile Salassi I of smokable techno gadgets. To be an analogue cigarette smoker in 2013 is to be like a lemming, standing on the edge of a cliff, about to unknowingly fling yourself off the top and into a sea of vaping in the very near future.

Friday, 29 March 2013

ECSK e cig reviews

ECSK e cig reviews

Therefore we have the right to do a few e cig reviews, however, we have our own style of reviewing stuff over here and after we had had a review ourselves of all the schmutter out there we decided there was nothing else worth reviewing other than our own kit :) Seriously, everyone else seems a little overpriced to be honest. Most also use bait and switch where they tempt you with a cheap device that then means you have to buy the juice from them. I guess it’s sort of like a mobile phone contract where they give you the phone for free then charge you through the nose for your calls.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

One of the best ways to stop smoking

One of the best ways to stop smoking

In steps the vaporizer and wipes the floor with all the competition. The vaper can blow smoke rings into the sunshine with dense, harmless vapor. The e juice can be tweaked to your liking for a throat hit or a smooth pull. You can choose one of any number of commercial tobacco liquid blends as well as hundreds of modern recipes and concoctions or simply make your own. You can choose us as a supplier, or Volcano ecig, Greensmoke or any other e smoke company that you like the look of and feel comfortable with. The whole way e juice and vaping works means you still get to smoke - but not as we know it Jim :). So basically it allows you to give up without even giving up so to speak. Any sensible person can be left in no reasonable doubt after pondering what’s available, that vaping and vaporizers are without doubt one of the best ways to stop smoking.

You too can quit smoking cold turkey

You too can quit smoking cold turkey

If you’ve ever wanted to quit smoking cold turkey but given up the idea when actually confronted with such a mammoth task - think again. Vaping changes your odds of being successful very favorably for you. Speaking from experience, you will either quit right off the bat or at least cut down your consumption of cigarettes massively. 

The blu electronic cigarette Vs The ECSK Vaporizer starter kit

The blu electronic cigarette Vs The ECSK Vaporizer starter kit

Since the advent of the electronic cigarette there have been reincarnations every few months to models both in concept and design. The blu electronic cigarette and ECSK eGo CE4 kit are from different schools of thought.

The blu electronic cigarette Vs The ECSK Vaporizer starter kit

The blu electronic cigarette Vs The ECSK Vaporizer starter kit

Since the advent of the electronic cigarette there have been reincarnations every few months to models both in concept and design. The blu electronic cigarette and ECSK eGo CE4 kit are from different schools of thought.

The blu electronic cigarette Vs The ECSK Vaporizer starter kit

The blu electronic cigarette Vs The ECSK Vaporizer starter kit

Since the advent of the electronic cigarette there have been reincarnations every few months to models both in concept and design. The blu electronic cigarette and ECSK eGo CE4 kit are from different schools of thought.

What to look for in an electronic cigarette starter kit

What to look for in an electronic cigarette starter kit

Here at ECSK, just like other quality e smoke companies such as blu cig or Volcano ecig, we bring you only the highest quality components at extremely competitive prices. We use 1100mah batteries as standard.. So, if you’re looking to get an electronic cigarette starter kit just see our ECSK eGo CE4 Vaporizer Starter kit here and get yourself off to a flying vape!.

Vaping as an effective way of quitting smoking cold turkey

Vaping as an effective way of quitting smoking cold turkey

As a heavy smoker of 25 years, switching to vaping has cut my cigarette consumption from 30 a day to 0-3. An old friend of mine bought an electronic cigarette starter kit on a trip over to the far east, and had success in quitting smoking cold turkey from one day to the next. He promptly went and bought 20 more e cig starter kits and gave them out to all his mates that smoked. What a top man!. However, he wasn’t such a heavy smoker and there is obviously a difference between light/average and heavy smokers.

Why you should buy an e cig starter kit

Why you should buy an e cig starter kit

If you’re at the point where you’re pondering why you should buy an e cigarette starter kit you might want to review just what brought you to this point and confirm the reasons for your decision. Personally, here at ECSK we could not be happier for you on deciding to buy an e cigarette starter kit , and agree with your decision entirely. There are a lot of loud voices out there, some with legitimate concern, others with financial motives, urging for e cigarettes or personal vaporizers (PV’s) and the e liquids or e juices that go hand in hand with them to be banned.

UK Vapers

UK Vapers

While governments and FDA type administrations rush to regulate e juice / e liquid - and rightly so, what we can be sure of is that for a new generation of UK vapers the face of smoking is changing forever - in a very good way.

What are the doctors saying?

What are the doctors saying?

Without a shadow of a doubt, the professional medical consensus is vaping is healthier.

A study of attitudes expressed by almost all of the medical community - shows big support for vaping.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

iSmoke - The digital revolution

iSmoke - The digital revolution

The first time I heard the expression electronic cigarette I chuckled. Of all things man kind could digitize, surely a cigarette would not be one of them? I never paid them any more attention until a friend tried to quit using one. Within weeks several of our friends had quit without seemingly any effort whatsoever. All the complications associated with giving up smoking simply never happened.

5 reasons to buy a water vapor cigarette

5 reasons to buy a water vapor cigarette